How does a fluctuating income effect my ability to contribute to a Roth IRA?

Can you still contribute to a Roth IRA if your income fluctuates? With bonuses and commission, I make more some years. Some times with an end of year bonus, my salary increases significantly but I don’t know until December each year.

Welcome @Leahmoli!

Roth IRA eligibility is based on calendar year adjusted gross income. And for sure, it’s not possible to know that until the year is over. I’d suggest making your best guess during the year. If it turns out you’re over the income limit, you’ll need to recharacterize your contribution, so that it doesn’t go into your Roth IRA. If you call your brokerage and explain to them what happened, they’ll know exactly how to help you. Alternatively, you could consider just doing a backdoor Roth IRA every year, regardless of your income, to sidestep that whole issue.