401k international fund options

Hey All,

Need help figuring out if I need to switch my 401k international funds section of my portfolio.

These are the options I have:

American Funds New Perspective R4 (currently actively invested in)
EXP % - 0.77
10 Year Return - 12.34%

American Funds New World Fund R4
EXP % - 0.94
10 Year Return - 7.48%

Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Admiral
EXP % - 0.11
10 Year Return - 5%

I just finished course so I’m guessing the lower EXP ratio fund is better but would love any other input if anyone had anything!



First couple of questions:

Hey Fernando,

Here is are responses, thanks for your input

  • Have you used the PFC Calculator to compare them?
    I tried but you cannot put the fees in to compare long term

  • Are you just wanting to optimize growth?
    Yes, optimize growth correct

  • Do you care what is in the funds or not
    Do not care, this is the international portion of my account however and I have these 3 funds to chose from.

  • Do you have the option to do a different type of Investment account, like a brokerage account?
    Would like to optimize this account first before opening a brokerage account. I have a great 7% match with this 401k