During 2021 we lent my parents $65,000 to purchase a house. They are giving that back to us at the end of June. That money was in regular investment accounts (we started late and a 529 didnt seem to benefit us). But our plan was to use that money for our kids colleges. We have a 19 year old starting his 2nd year, a 17 year old senior starting college in 1 year and a 15 year old freshman. Currently we have been cash flowing child #1 college. Knowing we need this money now and every year for the next 8 years would you invest it right now?
We are debt free, no mortgage payment, FFEF…we can cash flow 1 child at a time but probably not 2 at a time.
If you would invest…normal vanguard investing? If you wouldn’t then what…CDs? Any other suggestions?