Fidelity Target 2060 Index Fund has an expense ratio of 0.12%
Having FZROX and FZILX in a proportionate 3 fund portfolio with ZERO % expense ratio
Is there a catch to the zero percent expense ratio? What am I missing?
Fidelity Target 2060 Index Fund has an expense ratio of 0.12%
Having FZROX and FZILX in a proportionate 3 fund portfolio with ZERO % expense ratio
Is there a catch to the zero percent expense ratio? What am I missing?
Good question. I’m not sure either but following this post.
Add to those first two the 3rd part of the portfolio… 10% of FXNAX.
Can anyone help chime in?
There’s not really a catch! If you wanted to make a three fund portfolio with the two zero expense ratio funds and the cheap bond fund that would be a fantastic investment which I would absolutely support.
If you want the argument for the target date fund, it’s as follows:
That’s all I can think of. I tend to think the simplicity may be worth it. One human error in 40 years could wipe out the savings from that slightly lower expense ratio. But if you don’t mind investing in 3 funds instead of one, go for it!