High expense ratio, foreign investment options

The investment options offered with my employer are limited and the foreign investment options have very high expense ratios. Should I still invest in them? Or allocate else where?

International options:
LMGPX, Exp ratio 0.760%
FEORX, Exp ratio 0.800%
PRIUX, Exp ratio 0.660%

My current plan for allocation is:
US Stocks: VSTAX 50%, VSMAX 7%, VIMAX 5%, VINIX 8%
Bonds: VBTLX 10%
International: Undecided

You say these are offered by an employer, but are they under a…?
Simple IRA?

Is the employer matching any money you put in? if so is it vested right away ?

Do you get any other benefits such as an HSA?

Hi Fernando,

The are under a 401K, no match.

I am already contributing to a HSA.