Welcome @Mwang95!
Well… remember to think long term. As they say, you can’t squeeze water from a rock. $700-$800/month, depending on where you live, is like poverty level money. There’s no amount of wagging my finger and telling you to be frugal that will make that amount of money work.
So what to do? Think about where you want to be in 5 years. It sounds like you’re in school and already doing that! What are you studying? Are you going towards a degree that will dramatically increase your income? If so, basically I wouldn’t worry much about investing right now. In fact, I’d focus on just getting by and staying out of debt. If you can get through two years, debt free, and come out with a degree and a much higher income, THAT is the best investment you can make right now. Putting some of your small income away won’t make a big enough difference down the road.
So let me ask: What do you expect your salary to be when you graduate? Do you have debt? Are you acquiring more? Are you a full time student?