How to gauge investment risk while getting closer to retirement


I rolled over my 403 into Vanguard last week and took the Robo questionnaire, it put me at moderately aggressive. I’m a single head of household and can technically retire in about 12 years. Should I increase my risk tolerance? Thanks in advance.

Welcome @Trinacria!

I’m personally not a fan of internal self reflection to decide what your own personal risk tolerance is. Instead, for any long term investing, I believe risk tolerance should be purely a function of your age. Young people with very long investing horizons should be the most aggressive. As you age and your investing horizon shortens, move more conservative to secure your nest egg and bring peace of mind in retirement.

Take a look at the table at the bottom of the 3 fund portfolio page. That table keys off the Vanguard target date funds to give an idea of asset allocation based on age. I don’t know your age, but “moderately aggressive” 12 years out from retirement certainly sounds reasonable.