Investing as a High Earner

My husband and I are debtfree. I’m the primary breadwinner while he finishes school (will be graduating this winter). He works part-time and will probably make around $30k this year. I just accepted an offer for $92.5k/year, with the new company matching up to 6% to my 401k. We are on track to max out both of our IRAs this year. Should I contribute 14% to my 401k or just the 6% for the match and continue maxing out my IRA? We have a 3 mon emergency fund and our savings rate is around 40% of our take home pay.

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Welcome @eve!

Way to be killing it!

I’d work your way right down the investing checklist. With a 40% savings rate, you’re likely maxing out two IRAs and as many 401ks as you have, with the overflow going into a regular brokerage account!

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