Investing in funds - Norway


I am from Norway and I am already saving for a while in index funds. After seeing your ppt slide, i changed to a 54-36-10.

From now on I am thinking to save 150-200 euro per month.

I know the more you save the better but since I invested in real estate, is it worth saving that little?


Hey @Stijn_Vanparys!

Investing €200 at a 7% annual rate of return for 40 years will get you about €500,000! That, plus your real estate investing will probably be a pretty nice little nest egg. Definitely worth it. And as you age, you may see an increase in income and be able to increase that contribution. Or you may get sick of managing properties and want to put that money to work in index funds. Either way, sounds like you’re off to a great start and on a great path! :slight_smile:


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