Hey Jeremy! Hope you and your family is doing fine over there! I was wondering, if you had invested in the Vanguard FTSE ETF All World, how would you calculate the estimated return? Or in other words, how do I know if I’m on the right track? And let’s say if you don’t have a big amount to invest per month, would you advise investing in multiple ETFS or in just this one?
I don’t want to steal Jeremy’s thunder, but he has a blog post about a nice, diverse, three fund portfolio here: https://www.personalfinanceclub.com/three-fund-portfolio/
Investing strategy is different for everyone, but usually it comes down to low cost, broad based index funds in the form of ETFs or mutual funds.
Thanks @RetSCPO! You’re spot on! Not stealing my thunder at all. Keep it up!
Hey Defne! Are you based in the US or another country? Do you have a ticker symbol for that ETF you mentioned? (Different funds are named similar things and have different availability in different countries).
But broad strokes, one or two or three ETFs is plenty. More won’t give you a better return, it will just add complexity without adding expected return.
Regarding FUTURE performance, it’s impossible to calculate, since we don’t know the future. But historically stock markets have returned about 7% per year after adjusting for inflation. So you can use an investment calculator for some rough future projections based on your contribution rate.
Hi Steve and Jeremy,
Thanks for the reply!
The ETF I was talking about is this one: AMS:VWRL IE00B3RBWM25.
You said in the article about the 3 fund portfolio: “I prefer the index fund version, because I find it more simple to invest in dollars than having to calculate how many shares to buy” So how do I calculate how many shares I need to buy? Does anyone have a nice Excel spreadsheet for example to keep track of our investments and see if it still meets our target asset allocation?