Job Post: Operations Manager / Website Administrator / Social Media Marketer / Support Specialist

Originally published at:

About the Company

Personal Finance Club is a small, but profitable online startup seeking its first part-time employee! Founded in 2019 as a free educational resource with a mission to bring financial literacy to new investors, Personal Finance Club launched its first product in late 2020 and sold over $100,000 in the first five days. I’m a solo founder now looking for my first part-time employee to help PFC continue to grow exponentially!

About the Role

Some potential tasks will include (but not be limited to):

  • Repurposing instagram posts into blog posts
  • Composing and sending weekly PFC newsletters
  • Answering emails and direct messages
  • Answering and moderating the PFC community
  • Supporting customers on sales
  • Helping organize new product lines (like setting up t-shirt sales, future services, etc)
  • Creating and managing facebook/instagram ad campaigns
  • Co-hosting office hours
  • Bookkeeping
  • HR tasks like payroll, paying taxes, etc.
  • Helping set up structure for future employees
  • Helping do market research and designing new products and services
  • Responding to and organizing media requests

About the Perfect Applicant

Primarily I am looking for someone smart and driven. Someone who learns quickly and gets things done. This position can be remote, often with limited structure but unlimited opportunity to help grow the business.

Must haves:

  • Very technology savvy
  • Great written and verbal communicator
  • Quick learner
  • Effective problem solver
  • Self-sufficient and motivated
  • Hungry and ambitious to help grow something cool

Nice to haves:

  • Strong knowledge of personal finance and investing
  • WordPress/Web technology experience
  • Graphic design experience
  • Google drive and G Suites experience
  • Social media expertise
  • Paid advertising, conversion tracking experience
  • Quickbooks/Bookkeeping experience

About the Position

As PFC is still in its infancy, this role will start at 20 hours per week, with potential to grow to full time as we grow and figure out how to drive more revenue! The work can be remote but you must be authorized to work in the United States. The hours are very flexible, but being available to co-host office hours (Wednesdays at 8pm ET/5pm PT) would be helpful! The pay is $25/hour ($2,200/month). The job comes with a $1,000 home-office budget to get your desk and computer ready to work. We have an unlimited PTO policy with a one week per quarter minimum.  As we’re still tiny, there’s limited other benefits, but you do get to work on a cool brand, with a chill boss and direct your time to really make a difference and help it grow!

How to Apply

In order to help us identify the best candidates, and let them stand out from the crowd, we’re not posting an email to apply. Instead we’re posting a PUZZLE! Solve the puzzle to get our e-mail address!  (No cheating by applying through other means)  Here’s the puzzle:

  • a = The number of stocks contained inside of Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX)
  • b = The share price of the S&P 500 index on January 1st 2020, rounded to the nearest 1,000
  • c = The default percentage rate of return on the Investment Growth Retirement Calculator on the PFC website (just the number, leave off the “%” sign)
  • d = a + b + c (add, don’t concatenate)

The email to apply is the number represented by d @ our domain name.

When you figure it out, send me an email to that address with your resume and tell me a bit about yourself! 


I sent in my resume and wrote about myself, but didn’t put how I calculated the number for the email… (>_<) , hope Jeremy got it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I added that part later to make sure I wasn’t missing something with the wrong answers. So you didn’t do anything wrong! :slight_smile:

Searching for the “VTSAX Total Number of Stocks” on Google yields a different answer than the number on the Vanguard site. I’m correct to assume that you want the number from the Vanguard site (which is as of 10/31/2020)?

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I sent in my resume as well! I hope I got the right number :slight_smile: I just added how I calculated my answer just now! Thank you again for sharing this opportunity.

Yes, I think Vanguard would have the best answer for that question! :slight_smile:

Just submitted my application as well! Thanks for spicing up the application process, I love a good puzzle.

Applied! :slight_smile: I enjoyed solving the puzzle for the email address. Thanks!

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When does the application close/when should we expect to hear back?

I have about 200 applications I’m trying to sift through right now… :grimacing:For just one spot… so the odds are bad for everyone. I’m hoping to start interviews later this week and I’ll try to let everyone know as soon as an offer is accepted! :slight_smile:


I applied! Do you know when we should be hearing from you? Will you be contacting everyone or only those who have been selected for an interview? How do we even know that you received the email? (IE if we got the puzzle correct?) @Jeremy

I’m sorting through the applications now and have already invited a few for an interview… I’ll try to update everyone once an offer has been accepted, but until then nothing has been decided and still going through everything. 200 application is a lot to get through and of course basically everyone is getting a no, so I’m sorry about the wait and the long odds!

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Applied last night! Hope you get a change to review the app. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

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