This stay at home order has given me the extra time to focus on things that matter, like my finances. I have $24K in student loans, no credit card debt, a mortgage loan and no car loan. I have a pension through work and am contributing $100 monthly ($50 to the pre-tax account and $50 roth). I also have a Vanguard traditional IRA account with a 401K rollover from a few years ago and a Vanguard Roth IRA that I have not contributed anything to. I have a $1000 emergency savings and since family lives with me, I am comfortable keeping it at $1,000 for now.
My Student Loan detail is as follows:
Outstanding Rate Min Payment
1,200 4% 14
1,359 4% 16
1,937 7% 22
4,361 4% 50
4,361 4% 50
5,816 4% 67
5,664 4% 65
Total 24,698 283
My first thought is to take the following steps:
- Contribute the $6K to the Vanguard Roth IRA this year and each year first. I could put $3K now and $750 from Sept to December to max out the $6K this year. I will do $500 each month next year.
- Throw any extra money towards the student loans to pay it down to zero balance
- Then when I am done with the student loans I will start putting putting more towards investing and savings.
Is that the right path to take? Your advice and suggestions are appreciated. Thank you in advance.