Newbie here. IRA/Student Loans/Investing, which comes first?

This stay at home order has given me the extra time to focus on things that matter, like my finances. I have $24K in student loans, no credit card debt, a mortgage loan and no car loan. I have a pension through work and am contributing $100 monthly ($50 to the pre-tax account and $50 roth). I also have a Vanguard traditional IRA account with a 401K rollover from a few years ago and a Vanguard Roth IRA that I have not contributed anything to. I have a $1000 emergency savings and since family lives with me, I am comfortable keeping it at $1,000 for now.

My Student Loan detail is as follows:
Outstanding Rate Min Payment
1,200 4% 14
1,359 4% 16
1,937 7% 22
4,361 4% 50
4,361 4% 50
5,816 4% 67
5,664 4% 65
Total 24,698 283

My first thought is to take the following steps:

  1. Contribute the $6K to the Vanguard Roth IRA this year and each year first. I could put $3K now and $750 from Sept to December to max out the $6K this year. I will do $500 each month next year.
  2. Throw any extra money towards the student loans to pay it down to zero balance
  3. Then when I am done with the student loans I will start putting putting more towards investing and savings.

Is that the right path to take? Your advice and suggestions are appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Hey! This post might help you see where you fall in the steps. As always, getting out of debt fast (other than a mortgage) is always recommended. Paying down debt is a guaranteed return on your investment.


As @dgurgan said, definitely check out the phases of investing. Notably, I’d switch your steps 1 and 2. And I’d go HAM on those debts, attacking the smallest one first.

Thank you both. This really helps!!

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