Hey All,
I just turned 26 and opened up a Roth IRA this year. Thank you Jeremy for teaching me what a Roth IRA even is! Luckily I was still able to contribute to 2019 and was able to max that out before the deadline.
Anyways, I am still learning the ropes of investing and had a question. Is it ok to put all of your money in a target date index fund? Or should I be splitting it up with other ETFs/Index funds like the “Three Fund Portfolio”. For now I have been splitting the $500 a month contributions to the following:
-50% to SWYMX a 2050 Target Date index fund
-50% to SWPPX the Charles Schwab S&P 500 index fund
I’ve just been throwing money in those two while I am learning everything. And as I learn more, change as needed.