Is my understanding of the different indexes correct?
Nasdaq - Comprised of 3,330 stocks
S&P500 - Top 500 stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq
Dow - Top 30 stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq
Is it a correct statement to say the US Equity portion of a Target Date Index Funds hold stocks in all three indexes?
What is a good way to see how our TDIF is tracking to the market?
In the course you compare VTSAX on the Morningstar website, and we see a graph with the index fund tracking with the index. What is the index?
Is the simplest way to track your YTD returns by taking the stock price on Jan. 4th 2021 and compare it to Today’s closing price?
I promise to hold and not sell for a really long time, but the journey of the ups and downs could be fun to measure from time to time.